Monday 29 August 2011

Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy

I have posted about the SDR operation that we are contemplating for William.

Its such a huge choice, but...
Will's dad and I have sent the online application. We talked about it for ages, a few hours and then we decided that we could sit and wait and HOPE they change the rules about the American version of the SDR being done in this country on a wider scale, or we could get our arses in gear and get ourselves to the states.

So as long as Will is accepted, we're hoping to raise the money to go mid Feb/March. We have worked out finances, and we think we need to raise £45,000/50,000. We want to have money to come home with, to make sure we can have a private physio to hammer the intense physiotherapy for Will. Also, no doubt we will need more equipment that the NHS wont/cant fund or will take years to do it. In addition, another family that we have been speaking to had an extra unplanned operation, which left them with more medical bills to find the money for after they came home. We need to be prepared for that financially.

This is quite possibly the biggest decision I have ever made. I am sat here like a lemon, I feel like I should be doing something, not sure what though! :/ Its playing on my mind loads now, I am really fidget-y.
We have had confirmation now, have to send MRI scan, X-rays, and a video of him off for assessment.
Once thats all been sorted, we can start fundraising. It is going to be a long, hard slog to get every penny we need together.
Watch this space and wish us luck!

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